LMX200 Ground Penetrating Radar

lmx200 GPR

Underground Imaging

Public utility systems and local governments require the location and marking of underground systems



➡️Product description


Pushing the Boundaries of Underground Understanding with Advanced Technology: Explore the Depths with Our GPR Product

Underground Imaging - LMX200™ GPR Radar is used to detect underground materials that cannot be accurately located. It provides unparalleled accuracy.

GPR Radar Underground Imaging Features

◼️PVC ve asbestli çimento dahil metalik olmayan borular

◼️Yeraltı Elektrik Kablosu

◼️Beton yapılar ve kanalizasyon sistemleri

◼️Kurulu izleyici kablolamanın başarısız olduğu yardımcı tespit araçları

◼️Yeraltı depolama tankları ve drenaj karoları

◼️Septik sistem bileşenleri

◼️Tonozlar, temel duvarları ve beton pedler gibi hizmet dışı yapılar

Yer Altı Görüntüleme Radarı 

Subsurface Imaging - Public utility systems and local governments require the location and marking of underground systems. This helps in project planning and avoiding risks and hazards. It features a powerful Grid Scan mode and the ability to utilize an external GPS for full advantage of SplitView and MapView

LMX200 GPR Radar Software


LMX200™ ayrıca EKKO_Project™’It allows data transfer for post-processing, archiving, referencing, and other mapping capabilities. video

◼️GPR verilerini, fotoğrafları ve diğer dosyaları tek bir proje (.GPZ dosyası) olarak düzenleyin

◼️Bulgularınızın PDF GPR özet raporlarını kolayca oluşturun.

◼️GPR hatlarına yorumlar, fotoğraflar, ses ve video ekleyin.

◼️Izgaralı veya ızgarasız derinlik dilimleri oluşturun.

ekko project - lmx200 yer altı görüntüleme radarı

#ekko Project – LMX200 Underground Imaging Radar: "Underground" "GPR"

System Upgrade Enhancement

The enhancement system utilizes the EKKO Project software for data management, data integration, and GPR data visualization

MapView guide lines and GPR lines collected with GPS
View GPR lines and save them as graphic image files such as jpg, bmp, png - Slice up and down in the depth view to reveal targets
Create impactful reports, add photos, text, and print as PDF

Assistive Upgrade Applications

The EKKO Project software can be enhanced with the Utility Suite software for more advanced reporting

The LineView module for changing and viewing GPR lines.
SliceView Module for Modifying and Viewing Depth Slices from GPR Grid Data in Google Earth Files
The annotation module for adding post-processing GPR lines, multiple lines, boxes, and additional comments

Go to the presentation page about LMX 200


Enermak Enerji 2000-2025

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